Streamlining Patient Onboarding and Billing Processes at McDowell Healthcare

Client Overview:

McDowell Healthcare, a leading healthcare provider, sought to enhance operational efficiency and accuracy in their patient registration, insurance eligibility checks, and payment estimator bill processes. In collaboration with Ephraim, McDowell Healthcare engaged an RPA solution provider to develop and implement an automated solution to address these challenges.


Manual patient onboarding processes were prone to errors, time-consuming, and lacked efficiency. The objective was to reduce the manual effort, mitigate risks, and ensure zero error rates during data copying and bill generation. The specific challenges identified included:

Insurance Eligibility Checks:

Laborious verification processes leading to delays and potential inaccuracies.

Manual Patient Onboarding:

Time-intensive and error-prone processes during patient registration.

Payment Estimator Bill:

Manual calculation and generation of bills were error-prone and time-consuming.


To overcome these challenges, an unattended UiPath workflow was developed for data scraping and manipulation. The solution involved creating a process model for the windows-based application using UiPath. The workflow was thoroughly tested in the inbuilt controller provided by UiPath Studio to ensure seamless integration with McDowell Healthcare’s existing systems.

Objectives Achieved:

The implementation of the RPA solution addressed several key objectives outlined by the Business Process Owner:

Perform Complex Calculations and Tasks:

The automated workflow efficiently handled complex calculations and tasks related to patient registration, insurance eligibility checks, and payment estimator bills.

Automate Redundant Tasks:

Manual, repetitive tasks were automated, eliminating the need for human intervention in routine processes.

Completion of Activities with Accuracy and Efficiency:

The RPA solution significantly reduced the error rate associated with data copying and bill generation, ensuring accuracy and efficiency in the targeted business processes.

FTEs Saved and Cost Impact:

The successful implementation of the RPA solution resulted in substantial savings in terms of Full-Time Equivalents (FTEs). The manual efforts that were previously dedicated to patient onboarding, insurance checks, and bill generation were significantly reduced.

Approximately [X] FTEs were saved, leading to a notable impact on operational costs. The reduction in manual labor not only improved efficiency but also minimized the risk of errors, contributing to enhanced overall performance.

Benefits Realized:

Time Efficiency:

Automation of redundant tasks led to a considerable reduction in processing
times, allowing staff to focus on more strategic and value-added activities.

Error Reduction:

The implementation of the RPA solution resulted in a near-zero error rate,
ensuring data accuracy and compliance with regulatory requirements.

Cost Savings:

The reduction in FTEs translated into tangible cost savings for McDowell
Healthcare, optimizing operational expenses.


The automated solution is scalable, allowing McDowell Healthcare to adapt to
changing business requirements and accommodate a growing patient base.


The collaboration between McDowell Healthcare and the RPA solution provider successfully transformed patient onboarding and billing processes. The implementation of UiPath automation not only achieved the outlined objectives but also brought about significant improvements in efficiency, accuracy, and cost-effectiveness. This case study serves as a testament to the positive impact of RPA in the healthcare industry, offering a blueprint for organizations seeking to enhance their operational processes.

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